Friday, September 13, 2019

Articles Of The Week September 15, 2019


This is an important topic, so important it’s a two-part series and both made our articles this week. Part one helps us understand managing someone dealing with this, boundaries, informed consent, our role, and proper communication. Give these a read!

“Working With Clients Who Have Experienced Assault Part 1” – Robert Libbey

In part 2, Robert helps us understand what to avoid, and what things could possibly be a trigger for a patient who has experienced assault. He also shows us why we should embrace the opportunity to help this population of people.

“Working With Clients Who Have Experienced Assault Part 2” – Robert Libbey

I think we have all had a patient come to us who was told by another practitioner they had to come in for weekly, biweekly, or some other range of appointments in order for the said practitioner to “heal” them. While this may work on some patients (and boost said practitioners ego and pocketbook), it turns out humility is probably a better way for us to get patients.

“Healer Syndrome” – Paul Ingraham

Most of us work and contractors in a clinic, some of us are clinic owners. However, the government has started cracking down on the way things are structured in some clinics which put both the owner and contractor at risk. This helps us understand the differences and what we need to consider for a clinic setup.

“Independent Contractor Or Employee? Common Mistakes In Massage Therapy Invite Government Scrutiny And Penalties” – Erin Jackson

I love this as it’s an analogy I use to explain to patients that pain doesn’t necessarily equate to tissue damage.

“I Slept On It Wrong” – Dean Disanjh

from Beauty Salon, Spa, Massage

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