Sunday, May 6, 2018

Articles Of The Week May 6, 2018


Do we need to fix our patients, or help them get a bigger cup? Listen to their stories, and ask questions like: “How can you be healthier?” and more importantly “How can I help you be healthier?”

“Do Our Patients Need Fixing?” – Greg Lehman

This is a great little summary (and video) of what happens when your brain produces pain.

“Understanding The Complexity Of Pain” – Jenn Sharman

Communication is really important when talking to our patients. While this article is directed toward doctors, there is some information we can draw from this. Take an interest in your patient, make eye contact, communicate with them!.

“When You Talk To Patients, Do You Look At Them Or At A Computer?” – Milton Packer

All of us have patients with high blood pressure (because you do check it once in a while right?). While we can’t give advice on diet, we can give some advice on exercise, and maybe give a little nudge on sharing information with them. Here’s a great article you can share with them.

“Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally” – Julie Upton

Using best evidence in practice is crucial for our profession moving forward. So, how do we apply the best evidence to something like patients with low back pain? This article gives you a great foundation and applicable guidelines to do just that. 

“How Do You Solve A Problem Like Low Back Pain?” – Monica Noij

from Beauty Salon, Spa, Massage

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