Sunday, February 9, 2020

Articles Of The Week February 9, 2020


While this article is pointed toward physiotherapists, its equally as applicable to anyone in the manual therapy professions. It’s time for our professions to start a philosophical change in how we are helping and educating our patients dealing with pain.

“Philosophical Hurdles For Musculoskeletal Pain” – John Quinter

I was told repeatedly in college that people with a rotated sacrum could be dealing with pain from a resulted leg-length discrepancy. But, is this something we should really be worried about, or defining as the source of someone’s pain? Probably not like we used to believe.

“Should You Fix Leg-Length Discrepancy” – Nick Ng

Have any patients that are considering, or already scheduled for surgery? Here’s a real-time example of someone dealing with the struggles of post-surgery and what patients should probably know.

“Things They Don’t Tell You About Going Under The Knife” – Sarah Black

It’s not uncommon for one of our patients to come in with a hamstring strain and one of the best things we can do for this is to start loading the tissues. Here are some great variations on how you can do this to help with hamstring injuries.

“4 Reasons ‘Tight’ Hamstrings Lead To Hamstring Strains” – The Prehab Guys

When is the last time you took a holiday? It can be a struggle to fit them in sometimes when you’re self-employed, but if we just make a few changes in our schedule, maybe we can fit one in.

“RMT Burnout: Changing Your Schedule Can Free Up Much-Needed Vacation Time” – Ken Ansell


from Beauty Salon, Spa, Massage

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