Friday, November 8, 2019

Articles Of The Week November 10, 2019

This one hits close to home but is amazing to see. Last year in Canada a junior hockey team was in a severe bus accident that killed some and left others paralyzed. With a new surgery, one of those players who were left paralyzed is actually moving his legs due to an implant that stimulates certain nerves.

“Paralyzed Humboldt Broncos player moves legs after experimental surgery in Thailand” – Joel Dryden

I always find this topic interesting, what does ‘deep tissue massage’ really mean? Another way to look at it is does this really matter? Should we be focusing on the modality or the person?

“Swedish or Deep Tissue Massage: What Do These Terms Really Mean?” – Nick Ng

Have any bad habits? I have about 1000 of them, so I could lend you one if you need it. However, this is probably a better approach, stopping bad habits. Here are nine ways you can stop them.

“How to Stop Bad Habits: 9 Scientifically Proven Methods” – Leon Ho

Here is a curated list of open access case reports on various topics surrounding massage therapy and it’s use. It might save you some time while looking for research.

“Open Access Case Reports For Massage Therapists” – Richard Lebert

As business owners, we are always looking at ways to market our business (even when it’s super busy at the end of the year with people trying to use up their benefits). So here’s something to share…reasons to give and get massage therapy as a gift.

“15 Reasons To Give (and Get) Massage as a Gift” – Raechel Haller

from Beauty Salon, Spa, Massage

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