Adverse Childhood Experiences can have a connection to becoming a chronically sick adult. A study showed a link between 10 types of adverse childhood experiences to chronic stress, ill health, and social problems in adulthood. There is also ways to help deal with these connections.
“How Childhood Trauma Can Lead To Chronically Sick Adults” – Meleni Aldridge
There is lots of research showing how therapists speak to their patients can have a dramatic affect on their clinical outcomes. This is very important when it comes to people who are suffering, which we may see on a regular basis. Here is some great info on just how to speak with them.
“How To Speak To Someone Who Is Suffering” – Kate Bowler
This is going to be an increasingly hot topic as cannabis and cannabinoids become more popualr and legal. How do we differentiate the difference between medical and recreational use and their purposes. Here’s some knowledge on that and also it’s use for pain.
“Cannabis And Cannabinoids For Persistent Pain?” – Bronnie Lennox Thompson
I don’t remember which textbook it came from, or which person I heard this from in college, but there was a point where I believed we couldn’t massage a pregnant womans ankles or we could induce labour. Fortunately I have learned better since, and it’s also fortunate other therapists are willing to share their knowledge and look at the evidence.
“Can Reflex Points On The Ankles Induce Labour? A Look At The Evidence” – Alice Sanvito
This is a great video which shows us how psychology can and does play a part in people’s pain. Even when red flags are ruled out and there is no pathology, it can be quite frustrating for patients to still deal with pain, maybe sometimes they just need to be heard.
“Psychology In People With Pain – Why It Matters” – Tamar Pincus
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